Wednesday, January 4, 2023

A little K8s, Gitea, Helm, Postgres, stuff

 Had a discussion at work about what data gitea puts into postgres. Kind of a scaling/sizing discussion. Mainly, the stateful info needs to be stored and it's not especially dynamic. (That's my short take on the findings.)

I found via google some useful information on seblab's blog:

and I'm sure there could be a lot more. I like the way seblab sets up a problem/situation and works it out.



shallow monkey said...

So "seblab" can mean many different things (based on a quick google). I do NOT know who is the author of this blog (a name, etc) but it rings a vague bell, maybe from my Canonical/Debian days.

shallow monkey said...

Ah, his gitub says this:
Sebastien a cloud architect from Belgium