Wednesday, March 31, 2021

terraform is logical but not natural

The subject kind of says it all. If you can use environment variables (and you can and probably should) in terraform with the invocation/usage of TF_VAR_environment_variable_name, why in the ever loving world can you not do the same in modules (or sub-modules as I think of them)? Apparently environment variables don't propagate into the submodules.

So, you basically "re-declare" when you define/invoke the submodule. See:

In my case, I'm building "N" VMs in submodules and there is a "" that has the "module "NAME" {} invocation (and of course there are "N" of these) so I had to do something like:
module "FIRST" {variableone = var.variableone}
module "NTH" {variableone = var.variableone}

"N" times and then at the top level ( or something like:

variable "variableone" {
  description = "Cascade environment variable in terraform"
  default = ""


and then
export variableone="myvaluegoeshere"

in my environment.

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